We are so grateful to Take Care Recording Co. for partnering with us on curation of our Bandcamp. This effort is taken on in the hopes of furthering power for oppressed artists and offering virtual stage and resources in one of the major creative industries without succumbing to poisonous platforms. The page will host an ever-growing collection of songs, albums, demos, pieces, tapes, and more from around the 'Valley, plus collaborations with TCRCo.
We are so excited to occupy this new realm and will offer open calls to artists to share their work through our hub - free of charge and with full proceeds. For now, check it out, enjoy your stay, and support some local living artists while you're on there (especially if it's a Bandcamp Friday, where artists get full funds). If you're a marginalized artist in the 845, contact us about listing a single on our platform.
"it’s not a label, or a studio, it’s an adventure!" - TCRCo.
"GREATEST HITS: VOLUME 1" has officially DROPPED. Listen for free any time, or buy the album & support the artists directly at celebrate845.bandcamp.com
A COMPILATION SERIES - featuring over a dozen different local artists n’ friends - past, present, and future.
CELEBRATE845 n’ TCRCo. look back on all journeys - personal, historical, visual, & sonic - with an installment of their compilation series.
~ "Another world is possible." ~
All funds made are split between the featured artists! (A way better payout for them than Spoofity or badApple.)
To order, visit celebrate845.bandcamp.com. Peek around and enjoy, and let us know if you're a radical / marginalized Hudson Valley musician looking to be featured for free. Grateful to use our platform to amplify, grateful to Take Care Recording Company, grateful to be in community with so many talented friends.
organize - recognize - celebrate!